How To Play A Gemini Man At His Own Game How To Stop The Bull&#*!

Looking for a long-term partnership with a Gemini? You’ll probably need to get comfortable with changing up your routine and strengthening your mental muscles in the bedroom and beyond. While adventuring and socializing typically come naturally to Geminis, relaxing proves more difficult. Practices like breathwork, meditation, and yoga will prove extra beneficial for Geminis looking to calm their buzzing energy. In the Northern Hemisphere, Gemini season happens when spring is turning to summer. It’s a transitional period, and this is a movable, flexible sign that likes to multitask.

However, if he is seeking a long-term romantic partnership, a Gemini man would prefer someone who has an amazing personality and has her life together. They are attracted to women who know how to remain calm in stressful situations and how to let go of things out of their control. They want to come home to someone who feels like a breath of fresh air and who makes their soul happy and peaceful. While other men get intimidated by women with big brains, Gemini men seek out women who can match their level of intelligence. Gemini men want a woman they can share their life with, not someone to babysit. They find it attractive when a woman is strong, secure, and self-sufficient.

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So, establish some open relationship rules and take time before you start treating a Gemini man like a proper boyfriend or else you might get hurt. In the initial days of dating, know that even when a Gemini man kisses you, it does not mean he is not kissing anybody else. A Gemini man loves the thrill of love and it is possible that he wants to try polyamory before settling down for good.

Geminis like to feel that they can talk to their partners about anything and everything. Geminis form connections through dialogue, communication, debate, and questions. Like the ever-curious child constantly asking Why? They’re also verbal wizards, tending to have a knack for relating to people through language and maneuvering seamlessly between social spheres. While the Gemini man or woman may not be as intense as the Virgo or Scorpio, they still operate on details.

By the same token, Gemini guys don’t want you to be clingy. Geminis will actively work against what they feel is a box if you’re trying to put them into one. He might get frisky out somewhere in public, and he’s probably into role playing and toys. When it comes to relationships, they like them drama-free.

But remember that if your Sun signs aren’t “compatible,” it doesn’t mean you’re doomed! The rest of your charts might be a better fit, and if not, astrological tension sometime equates to sexual tension, in the best way. Their bluntness can be off-putting and their dual moods can sometimes make you feel like you’re alone in a relationship. But their love is truly one-of-a-kind, and their willingness to support and serve their partner makes their moodiness worth it.

Thus, if you really like him and expect something more serious with him in the future, then simply give him time to think. It’s not that he’s hard to love but you should at least allow him the time to considerate his feelings and decide. We covered a lot today, but it’s still the tip of the iceberg.

Where to Meet a Gemini Man

In most cases, you’ll develop a clear understanding of what’s occupying his time and why he’s ignoring you. From there, you can implement the best strategy to turn things around. You’re trying to establish what you will and won’t put up with in a relationship. While mental stimulation is the primary mode of connection with this air sign, any kind of stimulation can help him focus. For one thing, Geminis love an independent partner. They definitely don’t want someone to be clingy, and people who have nothing going on in their lives easily bore a Gemini who needs constant stimulus.

Ask him about the topic and he’ll appreciate your curiosity and gladly share his knowledge. After all, it’s in his DNA to communicate what he knows. Share your knowledge about a topic you know and you’ll find him a captive audience.

He is particularly fond of any games that make use of his intellect. It is a rare Gemini man that does not love Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit. A Gemini man has a reputation for having a youthful appearance and demeanor. Part of the reason for this is that he does not take himself or life too seriously.

Geminis “intellectualize their emotions.”

They’re very interested people—they’re willing to learn your story and dedicated to seeing your success. They won’t hesitate to go above and beyond to show you their loyalty. Even if they may fear commitment or need a moment to grab some alone time, they’ll always find their way back to you. Gemini men get easily bored with shallow conversations and people who see things from a narrow perspective.

Like, you never knew it was possible for one person to have this many hobbies! Don’t feel pressure to join him on all of them—but you should be up for at least some of them. A job with some level of socializing is typically necessary for a Gemini. Whether working with clients one-on-one or in larger groups as a community organizer, Gemini likes to get out into the world and learn about people. Above all, a partnership needs to challenge Gemini mentally.

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